Aderet Academy

Pre-military Academy

A co-ed pre-military academy (religious and secular, female and male students) that prepares its participants for meaningful military service in particular, and for taking responsibility for Israeli society and its processes in general.

The academy operates within and in full partnership with AYANOT Youth Village – from weekly volunteering in the agricultural farm and school, conducting activities for boarding school students, to engaging in various village tasks.

The academy’s presence in the village is of great importance and it is an integral part of the vibrant daily life that takes place here.

קרא עוד

More in our village


Heritage Museum Site

AYANOT Heritage Museum Site - Learning from the Past, Living the Present, Shaping the Future
שתילה עם עדה פישמן מימון

The Village Archive

Research on Ada Fishman-Maimon's activities, the founder of AYANOT, in women's organizations and as a Member of Knesset. Permanent exhib...

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