NAALE: NAALE (Na'ar Oleh Lifnei Horim - Youth Immigrating Before Parents) is a three-year educational program for grades 10-12. The program provides Jewish youth from around the world with an excellent educational framework that combines academics and personal development, strengthening their connection to Jewish identity, Israeli society, and culture.
As part of the program, students spend their first year studying approximately 20 hours of Hebrew ulpan (intensive language study) per week, in order to acquire the language optimally, enabling them to integrate and achieve a quality matriculation certificate that will open opportunities for academic studies in Israel and worldwide.
Each year, among NAALE students, several achieve the Director General of the Ministry of Education's Excellence Certificate, which grants them a scholarship for academic studies.
The students live in boarding school conditions and receive comprehensive academic support during afternoon hours, along with a wide variety of extracurricular activities and enrichment programs for personal and social development, trips to explore Israel, community work, and connection with Israeli society in all its diversity.
Through the NAALE program at Ayanot, we have educated students from 34 different countries - including the United States, Canada, Germany, Japan, England, China, Sweden, Netherlands, Brazil, Finland, India, and more...