Nice to meet you, my name is Matan Bar, an AYANOT graduate from 2014. Today I am 27 years old, living in Ashdod, serving in the Israel Prison Service, studying for my bachelor’s degree in Criminology, and most importantly, I too had the privilege of being part of the AYANOT family.

I had the privilege to learn, grow, and develop in this place during 3 very significant years that shaped who I am today. Between walks in the orchard, conversations at the club, general evening activities and Friday disco, and making good friends who are still with me today, this is my place to say thank you:

Thank you to AYANOT Youth Village for raising whole generations of youth who want to succeed, who aren’t afraid to aspire and achieve goals, for endless support and love, thank you for this warm home. I am proud to tell everyone that thanks to AYANOT, I learned that family is indeed something you can choose.

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